The Department of Chemical Engineering appreciates the efforts of the scientific aide to the Head of the Department on the occasion of the end of his term of office

On the occasion of the end of his term as scientific aide to the head of the department, Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdul-Jabbar Abdul-Razak was honored in recognition of his distinguished efforts during his tenure as scientific aide to the head of the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Technology and in gratitude for the effort he made in assuming the responsibility that was placed on him, as well as the tireless efforts in pursuing the work in order to raise the scientific level that befits this department. The Head of the Chemical Engineering Department, Prof. Dr. Khalid Ajmi Sukkar, expressed his thanks and gratitude by granting him a document of thanks and appreciation for his sincerity and dedication to the tasks entrusted to him. For his part, Prof. Dr. Adnan Abdul-Jabbar Abdul-Razak expressed his thanks and appreciation to everyone for these noble sentiments, wishing them success and prosperity in their scientific career in service to the Department of Chemical Engineering and our dear university.
