The student Yasser Waleed / 3rd Class / Chemical processing Engineering Branch / Department of Chemical Engineering ranked as a first winner in the event entitled (Speak-up Technology 4th (organized by the English Language Center / University of Tech

Under the auspices of the president of the University of Technology prof. Dr. Amin Daway Thamir and in the presence of the president deputy for scientific affairs, the student Yasser Waleed in the third stage from the Branch of Chemical processing Engineering / Chemical Engineering Department was honored for winning first place in the event held by the English Language Center entitled (Speak-up Technology 4th), where the event was held in Al-Kindi Hall / Department of Electromechanical Engineering. On this occasion, the Department of Chemical Engineering congratulates the student Yasser Waleed and wishes all the students of the department more success and scientific progress. We also thank the English Language Center for this encouraging scientific initiative.


