Faculty members from the Department of Chemical Engineering participate in a training program on advanced machines in the field of nanotechnology at the University of Kashan

                In light of the directives of the university to develop the scientific capabilities of faculty members and to obtain an advanced equipment training, the faculty members from the Department of Chemical Engineering / University of Technology: Lect. Dr. Alaa Mishgal Ali, Lect. Fadel Hashem Faraj and Assist. Lect. Khaled Mansour Sadek were participated in the workshop under the title (description, identification and basic analysis of nanomaterials) at the University of Kashan / Islamic Republic of Iran for the period 8-12 / 2/2019. Participants were trained on nanometer instruments (XRD, SEM & BET). The participants received certificates as well as a letter of thanks from the host University for their active participation.
